2Bit - A website about 2bit stuff.

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dfrag 3 years ago

The coolest thing about CRTs I reckon is being able to put them in vector mode. I remember reading an article about a pop-up retro arcade with classics like Asteroid running in true vector mode on actual CRTs and all the kids mentioning how it feels like a very different experience looking at the lines being actually drawn as lines in real time.

4 likes Here is a cool article to look at about the early 2000's internet we miss.
Leon, I've bested your "Brick Break" challenge and I request my cookie. Thank you.
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2bit 3 years ago Here you go! Sorry this is a month late.

I Miss the early 2000's and I lived through that. You have some early 1990's references too.
Actually, Wonderswan has 8 shades of grey, not 4, so its shade palette is 3-bit, not 2. Also, CGA's 4-colour mode has 4 palette settings, 2 of which are a darker version of the other 2, the other one of which has a custom colour, red, green, and yellow. The black colour you listed on the CGA 4-colour palette is actually a customisable colour, which can be picked from CGA's total 16 colour palette.
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1034co 3 years ago

Also, CGA's 320x200 4-colour mode is only like that on RGBI, EGA, and VGA monitors. On composite, the 320x200 4-colour mode functioned more like a 160x200 16-colour mode due to NTSC artefacting and composite not separating the colour signal from the brightness signal.

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Thanks for following
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bunnymnemonic 4 years ago

Why does this website look so perfect?

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scarbyte 4 years ago

because it is

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2bit 4 years ago

4 years of gradual improvements over time made it that way. I still don't think its perfect enough lol

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frogesay 4 years ago

I was there when 2bit was born... I completely ignored it, and I suffered no consequences whatsoever for my ignorance. I would later eat two berries and a pear. Life is good.

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CreatedMay 29, 2015
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90s gameboy retro pixels