freak like me <3

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dykeism 2 months ago

another reason women are called girls is that it implies that we're not as intelligent and autonomous as males, who are called men as soon as they finish puberty

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dykeism 2 months ago

a woman signs her own legal/medical/financial/etc documents. a girl hands it to her parents or husband to explain it to her and sign for her

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okay my silly idea: i made a page where the boxes are graves at /graveyard. my only problem? i had 0 plan for what id actually put in the graves... my current thoughts would be like links to other stuff? idk.
concocted a silly idea.
dykeism 2 months ago

what's the idea!

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dykeism 2 months ago

LMAOO the edit at the bottom... happens to the best of us. does it help to see clothes as just objects/necessities, and identity as something more innate and intangible than that?

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freaklikeme 2 months ago

yeah ive been trying to stop with the clothes... when i wear baggier, comfy stuff i initially feel bad but like i feel way more confident talking to people? im trying...

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CreatedSep 11, 2023
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