1,278 updates
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nsv streaming desktop has been upgrade to ubuntu. Now with ubuntu we can now install and try out differnet shit.
IRC Server has been upgraded with more security, we just got hit by this shit group who thinks it's really cool to spam many irc servers and advertise their irc server. So now if you want voice (+v) you must be registered to the irc server, this is a temp fix but people are not allowed to private message anyone and also a ddos protection. I'm off to bed, I spent too much time on this hotfix and I need sleep badly.
uh if anyone knows how media css code works, please dm me a fix or if you can somehow devlop a better less shitty code for both the live stream and chat, I will pay you for it and I will add in some kind of thank you page or something. Any help will help a lot.
funcube 11 months ago

never mind I think I fixed it. Still shitty tho.

New Video Wallpaper Month #1 - Every month I will change the video wallpaper. This will be a new thing I wanna try, I will still keep the old wallpapers as a backup cause I wanna do a voting system for everyone to vote for thier favorite wallpapers to be added in the monthly change. But that will be soon. Hopefully. Maybe.

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedMay 24, 2023
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stream rtmp shows anime classic