irony machine

1,873 updates
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hi!!!! i wonder if i could have my button on your site? i found your site thru my neoneighbor odditycommodity, and ur site seems pretty cool! so, just asking. you dont have to add it ofc lol
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irony-machine 2 years ago

Oh, for sure! It's a cool button and a cool site, I also enjoy paper thingies

1 like
troy-sucks 2 years ago

!thanks! (also hello fellow paper thingies enjoyer)

love your site!!! great vibes all around. and the y2k aesthetics page is amazing! would love to link to you, but your 88x31 button is missing.
irony-machine 2 years ago

Oh crap! Thanks for letting me know, it should be working now. Your site is awesome! I'll be adding your button as well

irony machine was updated.
2 years ago
Whoomp, there it is. I am irony machine, formerly known as gatosalchicha
obspogon 2 years ago

i'll update my link

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irony-machine 2 years ago

Hey thanks! Do you have one? I haven't found it if you do

irony machine was updated.
2 years ago
If I change my user/site name, will I regret it? The answer, soon-ish.
obspogon 2 years ago

tell me when you do so that I can update the button on my wall

1 like
Your goth dolls brought me back about 18 years <3 I used to spend so much time making those. Lovely site!
lazybones 2 years ago

Thank you! Your site is goals to me. <3gothdollloversunited<3

Re internet memory #2: interesting that you mention creating lots of accounts. The author of the article you linked to mentions not bothering to feed her Neopets as a kid since they couldn't die. Maybe I'm the sensitive kid here. I could never! The Pound was a constant heartache for me, just its bare existence :)
irony-machine 2 years ago

The pound was so sad!! Sounds contradictory but I didn't care that much for the pet aspect of the game... I liked to explore, play games and attempt to make lots of neopoints. However, I HATED seeing the sad/sick pictures so I kept my current pets fed/healthy, but out of sight, out of mind I guess lol

irony machine was updated.
2 years ago
Hi and thanks for the follow. Btw: there's nothing simple about cacio e pepe, don't believe what people say! I've tried making it and ended up with A TERRIBLE MESS
irony-machine 2 years ago

My secret for cacio e pepe is to have someone else do the "stir rapidly to emulsify" step, 10/10 would recommend

pikemalarkey 2 years ago

A-ha! Shame I only find this out now that I'm done with dairy. It makes total sense.

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