j p g z o n e _ 3 . 2

2,730 updates
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thank you for over 30k views!!! that is,, insane to me lmao. it may not seem like it, but i've put a lot of love and time into this site and am always working on ways to improve and add to it. right now, i'm working on an image collection page, as well as a page for my own art. i'd also like to build a page for linking to other neocities sites, because i'm always inspired by the amazing community here. updates soon!
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paintkiller 9 months ago

YES! I always say to ppl who are hesitant to make or share are - "just make the art and put it out there!".

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cool site! love the takato yamamoto shrine. i was lucky enough to catch a show of his in taiwan and pick up a sketchbook zine. it is UNREAL how intricate and well done his drawings and paintings are and i cant believe they aren't colored digitally.
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jpgzone 10 months ago

thanks so much! that must have been an amazing experience, how cool! i'm in awe of his work, it's all stunning. <3

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedDec 5, 2021
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