Neon rust n' alien dust!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

I updated the changelog with what I did today + things I'll do soon

Idk why, but Neocities isn't showing I updated my site :T I've added my very own custom font to it today! It resembles my handwriting a bit.
lukuak 1 year ago

Happened to me too some weeks ago but it started working again next day so idk

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I've had lots of fun with my first time on Artfight, and shall go back to the development of my page very soon! Stay tuned for some new updates n' stuff! :]
Oh wow, I remember you from ArtFight! Heya there! Just stumbled upon your page and wish you luck developing it! :]
Guys, I wanna ask: which of you use alternative text/code editors to build your site and why? Are they worth it? And which layout systems do you use in CSS to structure your HTML? Lastly, what are your tips for someone who's on its way to shaping its site in a certain style? :7
webcatz 1 year ago

i use atom! the neocities code editor is web-based, which means longer load & save times. using a separate IDE solves that + also lets me work on larger projects without the neocities 'page updated' thing alerting everyone before it's ready! also also atom has autocomplete and community addons which are both really very helpful

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webcatz 1 year ago

tips are 1. always ALWAYS make sure your site scales up and down correctly w/ different monitor resolutions (flexboxes & vh/vw measurements are helpful for this) 2. images take time to load, especially on slower connections, so i try to optimize them/replace them with css effects as much as i can! & 3. planning your site out on paper first generally helps quite a bit

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webcatz 1 year ago

boy that sure was a lot. anyway i hope you have fun working on your site!! the assets have been incredible-looking so far n i'm excited to see what u do w/ the rest of it :]

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Heyaa Vox! I've just noticed you're jumping into the adventure of building your own page, and wanted to wish you luck! I also hope you have fun with the process - it's definitely confusing and overwhelming at first, but once you get the hang of the code, it all becomes a lot more interesting to mess with! ^^
voxellor 1 year ago

Thank you!! Yeah I hope I get the hang of it soon. Thankfully I have the power of W3schools on my side :D

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

This is the beginning of many other page setups I’ll make to shape the site! For now, I’ve added a changelog div, and will configure the rest in a better way soon! ^^

ninacti0n 1 year ago

My main page is finally taking a more consistent shape! I've painted a proper background, added a gradient to it and fixed the button's position! And very soon, I'll start to mess with grids and flexboxes to finally give my other website pages the look they need! :]

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art portfolio comic artist worldbuilding