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shadowfae 1 year ago

Minor graphical update, really. Added stamps. Made new blinkie page, added a ton of blinkies. Made sidequests page. Added Cyworld to bucket list and added a couple things. Added some poetry and some quotes and some site affiliates. Also renamed journal to captain's log. Next major update is the Toybox Update From Hell.

shadowfae 1 year ago

no it's not an update I just fixed a broken link. update l8r this week once i get some art done that four different people are waiting on

Very pretty site! :O Can't wait to see it as it grows - and if you don't mind, I'd like to put your button up on my site when I next update? :D
glazeliights 1 year ago

yeah sure ^_^ and thanks!

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shadowfae 1 year ago

my manifesto has been up for literal ages and is featured on the yesterweb and NONE OF YOU TOLD ME ABOUT THE OBVIOUS TYPO IN PARAGRAPH THREE WHY WHY WHY ;~;

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People who leave compliments in my guestbook.... (*/▽\*)
hello!! your site is so cute i'm so excited to keep following it ^^ i got your guestbook entry about tenpo ko too and you'd be super welcome to write about it !! :)) <3
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shadowfae 1 year ago

Aw, thanks so much!! I figure I'm gonna sit down with some javascript and figure out how to put tenpo ko into my footer, because that would be such a neat little detail. <3 Thank you so much!!

Hey there! We received your manifesto submission but the link you provided doesn't work. I can see it on your page but I'm not sure how to link to it. You provided this link: but it doesn't take me anywhere :( Do you have a different link we could use?
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shadowfae 1 year ago This should work! Neocities put through an update that removed the .html ending from the web address, and broke all my iframe hyperlinking like three days after I submitted. >.>; In the case that doesn't work either, just will work, and I can reformat it onto its own page completely. ^^; Thanks!

yesterweb 1 year ago

The first link you provided works! Thank you! I think your manifesto is really well-written and it would be a shame to leave it out, so I'll get to adding it now!

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shadowfae 1 year ago

Thank you so, so much - it needed to be written, and I'm glad you guys liked it! <3

shadowfae 1 year ago

nothing special, just fixed all the damn hyperlinks. >.>;

I figured out why my hyperlinking isn't working with the iframes. It was an effing neocities update. Problem is, the solution requires updating links in Every Single Effing Page. Ffs neocities.
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CreatedApr 24, 2021
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