Storeyed's Neocity!

5,372 updates
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30k views, holy shit. I didn't expect this to happen at all. Thank you all, fucking SERIOUSLY, thank you all. I did not expect to actually hit that amount of views ever. Again, thank you all.
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Im really sorry,accidentely deleted your post to me but thank you for saying my site was unique and I find it cool how you have a different layout for your birthday.It gives me an idea to do a similar thing, for example:making my about me page a different aesthetic in another layout -Apologies again and regards,N
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storeyed 4 months ago

its fine! dont sweat it man, misclicks happen! and for the other things, no problem! i really like the layouts, the colors, the assets and ideas, its just really awesome! well, i guess i should take it from you and fix some of my webs problems, haha! as for the other thing, thanks man, im just a sucker for keeping things intact just incase people liked it. TLDR: dw about it man, its fine and thanks! have a good day!

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followed! your websites cool as hell holy
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ay, thanks for the follow!

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedApr 28, 2023
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