
4,772 updates
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Thank you for following!! I really enjoy how simple, yet extremely in depth your website is, I could spend hours reading your whole site and not even be done :3c The subjects of your writings are really interesting too! I'ts cool learning about/hearing your thoughts on Chinese topics, so like I said I don't think I'd get bored reading your site at all (plus your cover image is adorable!)
amari-ga-shin-da 2 weeks ago

Also to answer your hat question, I don't think the hat in Binetsu has a specific name, but I think it might be either a toque or an Andean chollo? I did also look up "knit hat with bobble and ear flaps," So maybe try that heehee ^^;

saddleblasters 2 weeks ago

Thank you! a lot of the illusion of depth on my website just comes from it being disorganized and changing how I do thinks every few months. A lot of the older essays in particular are pretty silly and I need to revisit those themes soon. I read your diary and like all your drawings/character designs! If you like rabbits, there's a popular Shanghainese candy brand called "White Rabbit"

amari-ga-shin-da 2 weeks ago

Oh oh I have a bag of white rabbit in my room right now actually :D I like keeping the wrappers since the designs are so cute, thank you for visiting my website also!!

Wowowow your website is so so cute :0 I remember seeing it a while ago, but I guess I completely forgot to follow heehee ^^; I love how clean looking it is though!! I also think your art is splendid :3c It's nice seeing someone who's also shy, so thank you for making me feel a little bit more comfortable with neocities :D
maddiemuu 2 weeks ago

thank you so much for the kind words!!! and yess... shy people unite... with our powers combined, we can ALL become better at interacting with others

oh my god your profile is so cute!!🤍
1 like
darkfr0stt 2 weeks ago

*website I meant but still

amari-ga-shin-da 2 weeks ago

eek sorry I didn't respond!! Thank you so much for your comment!! I really like your website too heehee, I really like the gothic feel :3c

1 like
darkfr0stt 2 weeks ago

thank you!

Wowowow your website is going to look so cool I can tell!! Thank you for following also, I'm excited to see what you'll do with your website next :D
1 like
Sorry I didn't respond right away, but thank you for following!! It's always so nice seeing people with similar interests as me, so your website was a real treat when I saw you following. Thank you!
Thank you for following! I really like the 2000s web style your website is going for, I can tell it's going to look super cute in the future!

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedFeb 26, 2022
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art anime cute oldweb lolita