welcome to rinnispace!

6,703 updates
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is catbox... good for storing original art? i have plenty of space on my neocities drive and im planning on compressing the images to save space, but... maybe catbox would be easier. hrm.
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neetelite 9 months ago

Dunno why but catbox has been having several issues the past month(s) and I've seen consistent reports that catbox images haven't been loading for some people, particularly those using VPN's

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neetelite 9 months ago

they work fine for me, but I guess my recommendation would be to compress and store them on neocities (im gonna switch to that :D)

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rinnispace 9 months ago

i think that's exactly what i'll do! It seems safer, after all. thank you!!

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HAPPY 10,000 VIEWS YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (i was asleep now we're at 10,063)
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rinnispace 9 months ago

why wont it center :(

i'm almost to 10,000 views... that feels like an achievement. how do so many people see my website all the time. makes no cents....
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updates r taking a while because now that im mostly done with css i need to get all my content in order, but i did finish another asset for the... winks. arg.
rinnispace 9 months ago

i think next on the list for big content updates is going to be the fnaf shrine because i want to make my timeline/interpretation of the franchise

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okay well i think i broke something but the blog exists now thumbs up
just checked the site on my big monitor. everything is offcenter. kill me. im too exhausted to fix it. soon.
rinnispace 9 months ago

GRIDS ARE HELL!!! like why isnt there a variable for a set border around the whole thing. i had to make like 823712863871 columns and rows to add borders

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CreatedSep 9, 2022
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