step inside the dream. . .

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Hi Teddy! I wanted to let you know your right sidebar is stuck in the middle of the screen when I view it on my PC (resolution: 1920x1080). I figured out how you can fix it, if you modify the right iframe's inline style by removing "left: 1114px;" and replacing it with "right: 0;". That way it will expand to fit larger screens!! Soz for the unsolicited advice OTL
teddybear-halo 3 years ago

trying some new techniques.... 👀 i think this might be the most div boxes i've ever fit on one page? does this even work?!

flamedfury 3 years ago

they work, they're there, they're fixed in position. there's more where you could take them, have a look into flex box :)

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teddybear-halo 3 years ago

ah, i read a bit about flex boxes when i was in school, but i didn't really grasp it...i should check it out again. thanks for the input, flamed!! ^^

teddybear-halo 3 years ago

a preview of what i've been working on--a new shrine page!!! :o the buttons don't lead anywhere yet, i got impatient with wanting to share this (lol) but i can't wait to keep working on it & make more pages ♥ ^^

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flamedfury 3 years ago

there's nothing wrong with putting works in progress up for everyone to see, learning in public is a great well to develop homepages :) ~flamed

goblin-heart 3 years ago

I feel the same as you. ESPECIALLY since the pandemic started it feels like I'm losing my ability to be social and interact with people irl in a "normal" way. I'm pretty much a shut-in since I started working from home and the worst part is I don't even mind it! I'm filled with dread about things going back to "normal". The first 9 months of the pandemic I did nothing but work and play video games. ;o;

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teddybear-halo 3 years ago

@sadgrl - i guess being an introvert has its perks, in times like this..? ^^;;; yeah, i've been feeling guilty that i've been thriving in the shut-in's comforting to know that i'm not the only one tho, lol. ♥ ;w;

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hi~! thank you for coming by my profile and leaving me such a nice comment~ ♥ ;w; (i couldn't seem to find a guestbook listed on your site, so i'll just reply here) so happy to hear you enjoyed my internet memoirs, especially the virtual pet ones! always nice to meet another person who grew up caring for digital critters...! :') your neopets page is super cute!!
mle-s-paint 3 years ago

Ahhhh so glad to hear, and thanks for the nice comment!! I need to get a guestbook... I've just been super lazy about it. Anyway, I hope you continue posting those memoirs. They're delightful to read!

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hi flamed!! thank you for coming by my site, and leaving such a nice comment on my profile~ i'm so happy to hear that someone enjoys my early internet memoirs! i'm glad we can be brought together from these special memories~ someday, i'll get back to writing more on them, ha. :p have a nice day! ♥
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flamedfury 3 years ago

i'm going to get my own memories up soon.

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hi!! (i thought i'd leave you a reply on your page, it seemed more direct, lol :p ) ty so much for coming by my site and enjoying my DDR shrine!! DDR is awesome, it's always nice to meet another fan~ ^^ Stepmania seems awesome! but i've never been smart enough to figure out how it works, lmao... .__.;
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hi teddybear-halo, really enjoyed reading your memoirs, i can't get enough of reading of other peoples memories of the early web, take care.
mle-s-paint 3 years ago

Agree with this! I especially resonated with the Neopets/Virtual Petsite memoirs. :)

Hi again Teddy! I just noticed your DDR shrine... it makes me so so happy <3 I used to DDR a lot as a kid. As DDR fell out of popularity I started using Stepmania on my PC with an adapter to connect the dance pad. I lost so much weight dancing, and I really miss it. I haven't been able to set it up in years bc the drivers to install it are a pain in the ass. Thanks for reminding me of how much I love DDR!

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CreatedSep 29, 2017
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personal diary nostalgia