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The music you have on your site sounds really cool. ^_^
kenny46140 6 years ago

"Fin Fan VII", dear... nuff said.

turd 6 years ago

but the smell of freshly cut grass is so satisfying \(* *)/

kenny46140 6 years ago

Whoa... should, um "I" make one of these pages on mine? I'd copy alotta yours. (ahem) "Tap into America"..."Whatta Wanker". ;)

anipike 6 years ago

It's always interesting to read about other people, so why not make one. ^_^

Your site is very simplistic and pretty... I love it! :) (Plus, your site name is super cool!!!)
anipike 6 years ago

Thanks so much! The name comes from, one of my all-time favourite websites. And your site looks very interesting, I was just browsing it. ^_^

kenny46140 6 years ago

It's "their" fault. Keep the danged thing! If their right hand doesn't know what their left is doing, that's their problem. I see yer prob, though. Maybe just hold off 'til you see if you're actually "refunded", right? Hmmm, though.

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anipike 6 years ago

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. It's kinda funny how such a modern and developed tracking system can fail so badly.

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quokka 6 years ago

Don't know if you meant to do this but, your site's font is horribly small on my fairly large laptop screen. Screenshot:

anipike 6 years ago

I certainly didn't mean it to be 'horribly' small, just 70% of the base font size. Shouldn't that be around 11px, if the base font size in the browser is 16px?

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Don't know who you are nor if you meant to say, but "quokka" (is it?); Your 'judgement is nil'. Ani-Pike's page works just fine. Your 'fairly large laptop screen' is All And Good, but I'm sur you know the word; "Consideration". It's all good, man.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Huh... sorry Ani. Typed when you did.

kenny46140 6 years ago

Huh... How come I can't "reply" on Mr.Quokka's page?

anipike 6 years ago

I think there's a way to disable comments in the settings.

anipike 6 years ago

I replied to mxtw earlier about the same thing: The font is a bit small, but because the image I ended up using was so narrow I had to make the font small as well to work with the column width. I figured the few people that might visit my site would know how to resize the page if needed.

anipike 6 years ago

Back in the early 2000s people used font sizes as small as 9px on their sites, so maybe I'm just more used to them, and it somehow doesn't bother me that much?

kenny46140 6 years ago

No, no... hun. This dude is just bein' a goofball on ya (I think).

kenny46140 6 years ago

Your pages look 'just fine' (as usual) no matter what. Perhaps, some folks get too far ahead that they trip over themselves. It's a simple 'consideration' thang, yeah?

kenny46140 6 years ago

Just a verse from this song; "Gotta Be Cool, Relax". No Plob, Ani.

anipike 6 years ago

Well, one can't go wrong with a little Queen. ^_^

kenny46140 6 years ago

You got it, but don't get me wrong... I'm 'straight but I don't hate', yeah? And one can't go wrong with MANY tunes of the times, yeah? :)

kenny46140 6 years ago

Gotta fly, but don't be shy. Yeah... that 'discord' thang seems a bit sketchy to me, personally. Like the old-school chatrooms where folks would hack java and mIRC and 'whatever'. Eh, who knows. Be cool.

anipike 6 years ago

I'm a little apprehensive about Discord as well, mainly because I haven't been able to figure out if it uses voice chat, which I'm not really into.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Same-same. Good for you. No, I'm not doin' it. No interest. Gonna be pretty busy through the weekend, but will check in when I get time. You have a GREAT weekend, alright? :)

anipike 6 years ago

You too. ^_^

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Ani? I honestly reaspect the anonymity of yours, but I just may have "over-shared" on my header page. No, none of my biz but could you at least tell me if in the states/which state? Or even just, a country? Not naggin', but hey... I've got nothing to hide. It's all good. And, again... DO have a great one! :)

anipike 6 years ago

Well, some of the pages on my site are written in Finnish, so... ^_^

kenny46140 6 years ago

Ahhh... Yup, gotcha! Very cool! If we were to run a race, you would "Finnish" whereas I "American't" at all. Oh, boy. Bad joke. Ouch, that hurt me too. Doh! Sorry. ;)

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quokka 6 years ago

Sorry, I entirely forgot that my site profile comments were disabled. I'm somewhat nearsighted so small fonts are hard to read for me.

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quokka 6 years ago

Anyways what I said wasn't meant as an insult but, more of a bug report. ;P Your site looks great on mobile devices though...

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anipike 6 years ago

Thanks for your feedback. I always try to make my pages as accessible as possible, but sometimes compromises have to be made. I have really bad eyesight, so I can totally undestand the problems small font sizes can cause. ^_^

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Whoa, I'm a Movie fan and have caught some cool Japanese background tunes (ie: Tarantino, et al). The few on this list have that '80's U.S. pop sound. Now I get why folks were buying our old Levi's for $800 awhile back! Cool-cool. ;) Oh, where are you? No prob.

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anipike 6 years ago

$800 for a pair of jeans? Whoa, that's a lot. Actually, I remember reading about something like that a while ago, but I have no idea where that might have been. As for where I am, it's somewhere on the planet Earth. (I like to keep my location a secret, at least for the time being. I think I like being a bit mysterious.) ^_^

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Well, it was a teen-fad thing in Japan with the 'red-thread' '80's Levi's. Shocked me, too. No prob on where you are. None of my biz. I just didn't wanna insult you in any way if you were in Japan, catch? Keep on bein' a bit mysterious... but, if you've got any skeletons in yer closet you'd better throw 'em out! They stink! ;)

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anipike 6 years ago

I'll keep that in mind. ^_^

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ottwiz 6 years ago

New design? Wow, it looks neat! though i resized the page since i hate reading little characters as big as 70% of the 12pt font, I better read characters at least as big as 11pt because that's good for eyes too, i don't get it strained. :D That's just a suggestion.

anipike 6 years ago

Thanks! Yeah, the font is a bit small, but because the image I ended up using was so narrow I had to make the font small as well to work with the column width. I figured the few people that might visit my site would know how to resize the page if needed. ^_^

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kenny46140 6 years ago

I follow that. Very Cool. Gotta do whatcha gotta. :)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Thanks for the follow, too. Have a Great weekend! :)

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anipike 6 years ago

Thanks to you as well! And have a nice weekend, too! ^_^

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