Welcome to NeoCities Area51 Neighborhood

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The site button has been rebranded to "NeoCities." If you downloaded the old button, that's fine but if you want the new button it is there... the only difference is the old button was branded with "GeoCities."
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Listing here is not exclusive nor by invitation only! Anyone who wants to be part of the neighborhood can join, all you have to is fill out this request form:
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Just noticed that you have a "previously on GeoCities Area51" button on your site... You are invited to list your site on Neo-Neighborhoods Area-51. Just go to the Neighborhood page for Area51 and follow the Join link. We'd be more than happy to add you to our list of neighbors! BTW do you remember what your old URL was on GeoCities?
bmh 3 years ago

Hi and thank you for the invitiation. I've always had it in my head that I was part of the Area 51 district on Geocities, but I can't find any record or reference to confirm this. My website began on Geocities back in the day, but I moved hosts numerous times, chasing adequate server space. I'm therefore reluctant to agree to be listed as a neighbor, lest it be determined I was never actually there!

area-51 3 years ago

It doesn't matter. Anyone can be part of these neo-neighborhoods. If you would like to join the invitation stands.

bmh 3 years ago

Well, thank you. I just need to figure out a description for my website!

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area-51 3 years ago

For all your answers, look to the source...

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Shout outs to our two newest neighbors: arkmsworld and weirdfantastictoys!
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Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJun 16, 2019
Site Traffic Stats


fantasy retro sciencefiction homepages neocities