Armonicnoise Lonely Corner

1,420 updates
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Congratulations on 50 followers! You have a nice website and I really enjoyed your talk of your DS Lite. I used to have one, before upgrading to a 3DS my mother donated it last year, while I was still playing games on it (without her knowledge to this day). I felt the people who were going to receive it would get more enjoyment out of it (though I still loved to play games even then). Keep up the good work!
armonicnoise 2 years ago

Thanks For your support, and yeah, its impressive how a console from 2004 can give you so many great moments after years, Originally I wanted to buy a 3DS Or A PSP but i just could affort a DS, im not regret my decision tho

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pagespages 1 year ago

I know someone who still plays a PSP (among other consoles) from time to time. He quite enjoys it.

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speaking of sending letters arround the world i found this story
I wonder what it should be like to send a letter to a person on the other side of the world... must be an interesting experience
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Dude i just found an official Release of a show of Amy whitehouse from 2007 must be gud... Damn Amy i Miss u
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Lol, i just realize i reach 50 followers, idk if thats good but anyway
According to my Ds Calendar and Animal crossing villagers, Today is the first day of January of 2008, Have a Happy new year everybody
Also, today Vangelis Responsable for the Blade Runner Soundtrack, Antartica and Chariots of Fire has passed away, Rest in peace Synth Master
Some weird crap happen to my update but its fixed, Review Page Updated, two new reviews Added! Extravasation and Tamahime-Sama

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMar 24, 2020
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