
2,613 updates
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(xpost from piczo) okay so,,, some thoughts. should i upload the pictures i have from 2013/4 - 2020 into the piczo.neocities/memories section? or would it break the illusion of this site being a bit of a nostalgia site? same for my 2019 blog posts from my blog here. - should i make a 2019 archive in the pizco/past blogposts section? or put that as a seperate section on avenue. hmmMMMMMMM
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kitteh 3 years ago

ahhhh i love your blog sm!! do you have any tips on how to make something like this? its so clean and seamless ;0; ur a HTML god

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avenue 3 years ago

@kitteh aw thank u so much!!!! i've been messing around with html and css for the past 15 years so i would say practice. usually using bright colours helps me out alot when figuring out what does what :)

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kitteh 3 years ago

@avenue, is it iframe stuff as well? im trying so hard to google this x3 ive legit never messed with iframe but ive been coding since i was 13ish on/off lmfao so im a bit rusty in some areas

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avenue 3 years ago

@kitteh yes i have an iframe for the 'blog' section! :) w3 schools is a good website to learn stuff from. if you use google chrome, go to View > Developer > Developer Tools, this can help view stuff on sites to see what makes them tick, and you can interact with certain elements too

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kitteh 3 years ago

@ave, omfggggg im deffo gonna mess with iframe now! this rly inspired me tysm <333

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could anyone recommend some good guestbook hosts? preferably ones that can be customised through css!
38cautionzone 4 years ago

I recommended , it actually good guestbook with customizing option and such.

soo I finally moved the piczo project to :) go check it out!
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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedSep 2, 2019
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blog photoshop diary css