Birds and Stars

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birdsandstars 4 years ago

I can never paste things editing from my iPhone, actual new content aside from the title/link for alleviating fear and anxiety will be added later!

bright-eyes 4 years ago

Phones are really horrible for the web. I never use mine even though I have one.

birdsandstars 4 years ago

I like using phones because I can draw on the tiny screens and not get yelled at for having hobbies! Plus, I haven’t had a functioning mouse I can draw on computer with in ages, so all my art is on my phone except rarely tiny traditional stuff.

birdsandstars 4 years ago

My laptop is on the fritz! It’s usually not working, so I haven’t been able to properly update my site in a while except with difficulty... it won’t start up a lot of the time.

bright-eyes 4 years ago

That I can understand. I just found the phone too fiddly to use and went on to things I didn't want it to go on - when it did that it usually went on something which was heavy on data usage so I ended up running out of data, not to mention that typing on it was usually full of errors.

I have a half suggestion for you!! (Like, maybe up until nearly episode 11 it’s cheerfully sweet and nostalgic, but later, it gets sadder...), but it has a SUPER cute healer lead! Nurse Angel Ririka SOS. I’m still watching it, halfway through, but it’s an early somewhat darker take on the (realistic) child hero magical girl... she has to prioritize using her healing abilities for the greater good...
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birdsandstars 4 years ago

I think you’d enjoy it sometime!! (The anime does unfortunately make the senpai she has a crush on look waaaay too old for her, but he’s supposed to be just a year older, they don’t become a couple, though). The boy who likes her looks the same age and they both bicker like very typical kids, they’re endearing.

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softheartclinic 4 years ago

I've never heard of it before but will definitely check it out! Thank you for the suggestion!

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Nice art. :)
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birdsandstars 4 years ago

Aww, thank you!!

glad theres some islamic stuff here!! makes me feel less alone!!
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birdsandstars 4 years ago

Asallamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatulLahi! ^^ Happy to hear that! I guess we are uncommon here, but happy it reached someone it could be important and meaningful to!

I've added you to the circle! Your site is such a lovely and calming place, so I'm so glad you decided to join. Could you please provide a site description for me to add?
birdsandstars 4 years ago

Oh, certainly!! And thank you, as is yours, and more thoroughly so!! I guess for mine, maybe, “A site with a pastel aesthetic and a focus on childhood nostalgia, art, Pokemon, and classic anime/manga, with dedicated sections for calming resources, Islamic healing, and things to cheer you up.” I’m bad at being concise. ^^;; Hope that wasn’t too long!!

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birdsandstars 4 years ago

Thank you!! ;3; Another twitter that paints such pretty little scenes and evokes some nice memories too. This twitter is the cutest, I love the photographs of the toys, like snapshots of little stories.
bright-eyes 4 years ago

I've got some of those - the border collie family, the fox family and the badger family, and a very old frog family, too. The frog one you can't get any more, but I think you can still get the others.

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birdsandstars 4 years ago

How lucky!! I saw some cute little babies on sale, bunnies, I think, but didn’t buy them, alas!! Maybe someday...

bright-eyes 4 years ago

The babies are cute! I don't collect them as much now because my space is very limited but I had started to adapt an old dollshouse for them. I might get some of the furniture sets to complete it but having looked at the website today it seems that they have disconintued a lot of their families, but at least there are new furinture sets to purchase.

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bright-eyes 4 years ago

I don't think that they are still around now, but around the time that I bought the border collies and badgers, I found a simliar German company that made animal figures in the 80's and got a couple of those too from ebay, but I don't shop on that site much now.

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CreatedSep 25, 2019
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childhood nostalgia positive femininity kawaii