bees laugh in atbash

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I think I followed you a little bit ago but I'd only really gotten the chance to look over your site just recently, your art is really good and I love your zines.
geno7 3 years ago

Also like, the sudden spike in interest of bands like TMBG and LD and Tally Hall and Jack Stauber and people sorta mashing them together has really fascinated me since it started happening and it's cool of you to sorta like, try and make sense of that and come up with a name for it and help foster a community around it

bluef00t 3 years ago

Thank you! I may have made up a word for my little radio show, but whatever the phenomenon is it's not newβ€”I've met several ~30 year old TMBG/LD/Tally Hall fans who have been into those bands since their early teens (not Stauber though, he's newer to the scene).

bluef00t 3 years ago

I'm as puzzled as you at the spike in interest. I have some personal frustrations with Needlejuice Records but having a label trying to pander towards my specific interests? That's something a guy could get used to.

bluef00t 3 years ago

new short comic lads

atomicgothic 3 years ago

oh this new comic gave me chills ;;;;; very excellent also winged characters are inherently badass

I love your music section better than any other albums display I've seen on any site. Any tips for digitizing a CD collection like this? I'd love to do something similar with mine.
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skookz 3 years ago

ayy thankya for the kind words! well taking the pictures on a white background helps make the plastic more visible & taking them at a bit of an angle helps keep the camera's reflection out of the shot. i'd also think that this would be a lot easier to do with a scanner, but i don't own one to test that theory. lemme know if ya need any more tips/help, i'd be happy to give ya either!

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bluef00t 3 years ago

actually i think the reason I like em so much is that yours AREN'T scanned; the atmospheric lighting and slight angle really makes it feel like I'm peeking into a friend's CD collection and pulling one or two out to look at

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I swear there was once a link on your page to a DOS game about preventing a nuclear reactor meltdown, hosted on the Internet Archive. Whatever happened to that, or am I just confused?
atomicgothic 3 years ago

OH let me find it...It mightve been on my homepage at one point but I think I have it somewhere else...

atomicgothic 3 years ago

The game was called SCRAM! A link to it is at the very bottom of this page

bluef00t 3 years ago

aha! now that I've dicked around with it enough to understand how it works: have you played it much and do you know your high score? I wanna know what I've gotta beat here.

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bluef00t 3 years ago

new favorite album gents

atomicgothic 3 years ago

yooo bluefoot music recs just dropped

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CreatedJul 13, 2018
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tmbg music art zines comics