Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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...this month. I may borrow a few ideas - things I hadn't thought to do - from your site (I mean the kind of content, not your layout etc) Best of luck!
Thanks for your interest in our website. I've now been looking all through yours. We've read a few of the same books. I most recently read Watership Down a few years ago. Surprisingly more adult than I anticipated. I've been trying to put together a page for a project on the Famous Five, which will have some similar features to your site. Hope you continue to develop this. You've made more progress than I have...
I think I'm starting to get fed up of being stuck in the house all the time.
I really shouldn't be up this late, but I got distracted by searching for cross stitch designs and sorting out pdfs and patterns into a folder. Night, all!
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I'm not in a good mood today. I ordered some compost and large planters about three weeks ago and they've not arrived yet. It's getting on my nerves because the company is very bad at communicating with their customers and the plants I need them for are quite special. The seeds came with our dog's ashes when we picked them up so they need planting more than anything else. I can't just plant them in the ground -
bright-eyes 4 years ago

the cat will break and kill them if they aren't up against the wall. (I know this because I tried growing similiar plants a few years back and that happened.) It's not like I can go out to the shops and fetch these things myself like I would normally do!

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Got quite a few things done today, but I really wish that I could concentrate on doing more writing for the site. At the moment, my concentration for it has gone.
tinypaws 4 years ago

My sister in law has got fed up with their dogs tail(rottweiler lab mix) knocking her plants leaves(an sometimes the entire plant to the foor)that she turned her ferret cage that hasnt seen use in quite sometime into a plant 'safe house' LOL

I am continously amazed that some people are still more bothered about petty, frivolous things that the virus has stopped them from doing than being worried about people's health.
Tomorrow the bookcases will (hopefully!) be going up! I will be glad when it's done because it's one more step to sorting the flat out. Sorry about the lack of site updates. While the weather is like this, and my artritis isn't playing up, I need to take advantage of it.
Sometimes, I don't think that people get that half of Tolkien's writing was literally pro-nature even before nature conservation became a thing to be concerned about...
It's been a busy week. How is everyone? I've been sorting out the problem bits in the hallway and doing quite a bit of sewing. Next week, we might be getting a shed if it is in good order. Depending on how it is, I might turn it into my craft space, but not if it's leaking. (However, it will be useful because I hope to do some more decorating this summer and need a place to store stuff while I do it.)

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 6, 2019
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fanfiction middleearth thehobbit theanimalsoffarthingwood watershipdown