the end is nigh

2,746 updates
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the first chapter has been posted! warning for like, a lot of gore, but i hope you enjoy it (remember to read the content warnings)
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tovera-chronicles 1 year ago

Excited to finally dig in this weekend! Congrats on the release!

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first chapter coming sometime this week. the world page is also getting a revamp so you can stop seeing this weird nation page with lorem ipsum text soon
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created a site button (found on the about page) and added a page for content warnings: please be advised to read the list beforehand. thank you
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Very excited to start reading (no pressure lol)! Loving the map, character descs, and the site's style!
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capaxinfiniti 1 year ago

thank you so much! i'm equally excited to read start reading yours, and ironaically enough we'll probably be posting around the same time. your art is amazing and i'm looking forward to seeing the hanging with the fairies

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Last updated 4 hours ago
CreatedMar 27, 2021
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writing literature fantasy worldbuilding webnovel