CerebralDatabank's Website

30,862 updates
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Thanks for the follow :) I'm going to assume you're relatively new to web development, so welcome! Reminds me of when I first came here and the first stuff I coded on my site lol
hi! can i use your dark mode widget on one of my websites?
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cerebraldatabank 2 years ago

Sure! Thank you for asking :)

cerebraldatabank 2 years ago

This was something I created quickly to help with one of my classes - it does each shift from +1 to +25. If you put in shifted text and find the original in the output, "OG shift" is the shift originally used to "encrypt" it.

Update: The changes from last time went live, but I removed the red text now and it's still there. So looks like it's just delayed updates

Website Stats

Last updated 5 hours ago
CreatedDec 17, 2016
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programming computergames minecraft technology computers