4,075 updates
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I would just love to take a moment to complement you on your site! The idea of website that posts comics is pretty alluring and intriguing! In fact, my website centers upon horror stories with the completion of an ominous looking background. Over all, the site is a work in progress due to the fact that the software I have access to doesn’t support or allow the elements I want to add. Great job and God Bless!!!!!!!!
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Hello, Fauux, just wanted to say your website looks incredible! The work and expertise that went into the creation of this site must have been incredible! Good Luck and Keep working!👍🏿💯
I’ve been on a little bit of journey! I can’t wait to hit 3,000 views! Hopefully, I’ll get my first follower! I’ve really enjoyed creating this website so far, and have been able to connect with some excellent users! Although, this skill takes awhile to develop, I’m ready making large strides and meeting great developers!
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Alright guys, new updates coming soon! Check out the ASYLUM LINK!!!
Wow, after some serious work, I finally managed to fix the issues! Jesus Christ, pardon me Lord, but that took longer than it needed to!
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What do you guys think about my new updates?
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJun 30, 2021
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cryptic mystery unique art science