
8,803 updates
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tbh my website is bloated but idk what to do about it
kallistero 8 months ago

Just use the library so much that it's worth having there to begin with! Svelte is there so you don't reinvent the wheel, so make it a supercar!

dabric 8 months ago

kallistero very true, but thats also ironically the issue. i just have a lot of code that i wrote lol. maybe im just overthinking tho, but also like 165kb transferred of html, css, and js...

kallistero 8 months ago

That's smaller than a background image! If my page is being slow, it's because I let users just stuff one of my pages with lots of JavaScript effects. The devil's how much it takes to RUN the code as much as it's in how much it takes to load it. In F12, there's a "Memory" tab where you can see the JS heap size, and there's also a "Performance" tab where you can take a snapshot of where the page is putting resources.

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learning yet another keyboard layout
prob just me but i remember my neocities feed being more active
never really got the point of entrance pages, like why not just have the page linked be your homepage? genuine question btw
trish 9 months ago

i actually think it's trying to imitate something like the cover of a book that you open to see what's inside

pinkvampyr 9 months ago

I like having a spot where I can give people a heads up about the content of the website :>

encounters-ltd 9 months ago

i like it! it's like a drumroll

dabric 9 months ago

encounters-ltd thats a good one

when exporting your neocities analytics to .csv, it comes with a curious bandwidth coloumn. after some testing its indeed in bytes, but now im wondering why neocities doesnt afaik show your monthly bandwidth usage in a nice spot considering its a limit you have to look out for?
dabric 9 months ago

this also gives a bit of insight into how hits and views work. yesterday i had 1003 hits and 333 visits, but my bandwidth usage was only 10mb. thats only enough for ~10 people to view my website's homepage with javascript on. thus, my view count must be getting inflated by someone hotlinking something on my website (i assume its navlink)

gonna take a ~2 week break from typing cuz of wrist pain. so to mostly eliminate the bus factor, thats why i'm not gonna be putting out site updates. see ya
feeling burnt out. UGHHH I HATE IT. but i also want to learn monorepos (they seem cool) and finally get a proper ui library going along with that where its not components scattered across scss and svelte files...
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Dabric was updated.
9 months ago
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huh, my commits page ( is broken on firefox.
dabric 9 months ago

so `new Date('2023-07-15 23:40 GMT-0400')` is valid in chrome and node.js, but not in firefox. this causes firefox to incorrectly request my api for commits since 1970-01-01. sveltekit didnt prerender that because it didnt crawl and find 1970-01-01 as it uses node.js, so firefox gets a 404. bam

Dabric was updated.
9 months ago
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Last updated 4 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 16, 2020
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robots programming svelte personal 3d