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Dabric was updated.
1 year ago
dabric 1 year ago

my uploader is faster. ~30s vs iirc like ~2m for the same thing

dabric 1 year ago

the neocities api lets you upload everything in a single request, but doing too much will make neocities 500. so instead i do like 50 files at a time. the size of them doesn't seem to matter, just the amount of files.

Dabric was updated.
1 year ago
dabric 1 year ago

cool, custom pfp but neocities does a horrible job of cropping

dabric 1 year ago

neocities will either squish, crop it to the top left, or crop it to the center. love the consistancy

dabric 1 year ago

it also makes it look like my website is just a giant picture of a koopa troopa. so i think imma remove it. here's the code i made to do this, feel free to use:

dabric 1 year ago

instead of it being an image of a koopa troopa, now it's an image of my website. no joke, cuz it never fully loads in time for neocities to take a screenshot of it

Dabric was updated.
1 year ago
i realize i've been talking about this custom domain but never mentioned it once. it's
so vercel...not yet if anything. but i did set up a project with it using my domain that just redirects to my neocities website. so it's like a poor man's neocities custom domain
Dabric was updated.
1 year ago
i love neocities but like vercel and its free custom domain names...
dabric 1 year ago

vercel is a lot more slower than neocities however

client-side routers are fun. like you can look at an old version of my webpage by looking here: just click on a link as usual and you'll still stay in that old version
Dabric was updated.
1 year ago
i feel for the people that didn't realize the website hasn't been updated in 2 years when asking to be added to neolink
jaezu 1 year ago

this lol


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CreatedFeb 16, 2020
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