The Dandelion Patch

2,542 updates
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If you have been checking us out frequently and reading along whenever an update comes out, please let me know what you think so far! I really have a great time putting this up for everyone to read, but I love even more to hear impressions people are getting off of it! Let me know what about the site, the story, the characters, anything that you like/don't like, ok? Thanks a lot! -NB
Hey, followers! All 10 of you! First of all- thanks for doing so! Hope my constant renovations haven't been too annoying to you!
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How's the new banner looking? I'm hoping to put a new one up once every few months. Maybe a seasonal thing?
I figured out how to make an RSS feed happen here. I- uh- don't know if that's something you guys are going to use a lot- but why not, right?
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Website Stats

Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMay 13, 2017
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illustration comics art unraveling games