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fairytrash 2 years ago

dang, still didn't figure it out lol

fairytrash 2 years ago

wooo figured out what i was trying to do , thanks to

not me having to update literally every page if i add a new thing to the sidebar bc im old and dont know how to make it easier on myself lmao
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rime 2 years ago <- this is what i do. basically you just make a separate html file with the links you want and copy/paste some javascript on every page you want it to appear on.

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fairytrash 2 years ago

i couldn't figure out that first link from w3 but i was sent one from and it worked!

I really want to make one of these webgardens I've seen on some other pages but I've stared at this page for days and my brain is blocked from figuring out what I have to do lmao. I've read all the pages but I don't get it. Can someone pls help me? lol
theenderdraco 2 years ago

oh!! so you pretty much just make a page on your site called webgarden.html, and put whatever you want in it as long as it fits in a 250x250 square so that it can be embedded with the generator!

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melonking 2 years ago

Yeah that tutorial is a bit confusing! Draco is right, its just a normal html page with a fixed 250x size. Then other people can iframe to that page and you make a page called a greenhouse where you collect iframes to other peoples wegbarden.html's.

fairytrash 2 years ago

Thanks guys. Is this the code I put? The page has a link to an example and tells me to get the code from there but it just shows me a video. This is the generator page..

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theenderdraco 2 years ago

the generator is for like. the sharing part, i guess? also there hasn't been any sort of example file on the site yet, it was like that for me too :T

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fairytrash 2 years ago

sorry I'm being stupid- so I just put whatever I want into the normal HTML page and it will automatically put it into the box for me?

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theenderdraco 2 years ago

yep! just make sure everything fits into a 250x250 box!

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It's cute how you have 'heartcakes' on your site bc that was a subfolder on my site for awhile and i just deleted it tonight before you added me
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heart143 2 years ago

HUHH??????????????????????? scary much!!!!!! lolololololololoololo

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fairytrash 2 years ago

i just thought it was a cute word, lol. great minds think alike <3

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the colors on your site are so pretty~
keysklubhouse 2 years ago

Well thank you! I love the holographic explosion on yours! :)

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Kyle Drake discusses what GeoCities was, why it failed, the technical and legal challenges of creating its spiritual successor Neocities, and how he's working to preserve and curate sites from the old web.
Figured out how to get a blog on my page. Hopefully I can find something to write about, even if its just my boring life. I used to LOVE Livejournal.
I think I'm finally done switching my layout over ?? I still have to figure out what to do with my main adventures photo page though because I couldn't just transfer it to the new one easily. I'm obsessed with these colors on my page rn~ I know it looks like a 4 year old made it but thats my aesthetic lmao

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CreatedDec 14, 2017
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photography cute colorful personal travel