Landing | Fatgrrlz

1,990 updates
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just found your site and WOW!! it's fantastic!! I'm in love with your art especially, you have a way with colors that's spectacular!! your character designs are so fun too!!
fizzsea 8 months ago

aw, thank you for visiting and for the sweet comment!! i really love the look of your art and site as well, the colors are soft and the overall style is cute :3

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fatgrrlz 8 months ago

sidebar is sticky again. will work on this more tomorrow i came home late

fatgrrlz 8 months ago

just now - updated the fuck outta the art/resources page, most art and resources now have alt text including the copyable code!! yippee!!

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fatgrrlz 8 months ago

added the sitemap. also made it so that when you hover over links it gives a background

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fatgrrlz 8 months ago

doing a bit of work on my interests page :3 I wanted to fill it with things and have it not just be shrines... I'll make it more interesting at some point

69 NICE!!!!
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fatgrrlz 8 months ago

someday i'll put actual content on my website <3 fixing some shit I broke last update, namely the menu button changes when you use it now

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fatgrrlz 8 months ago

im really proud cause i got to use a tilde in my stylesheet for it

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Your pixel art is absolutely gorgeous!! (┬┬﹏┬┬)❤❤
fatgrrlz 8 months ago

boo!! halloween update!! updated the button and put together a CSS pack using all the shit I made for this update.

fatgrrlz 8 months ago

can't have a website update without fucking up half the file extensions because neocities is obscenely picky on if it's .gif or .GIF or .Gif lolololol

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OH ALSO I have some fun stuff cooking... planning on pushing it out sometimeee in the next 30 minutes or so? gotta shove together a CSS pack for this bad boy but ohoghohohoohohohohohoohohooooo i dressed my site up for halloween
holy shit where'd you people come from
fatgrrlz 8 months ago

like im flattered but wha happuned. also happy 20k views, that's neat

fatgrrlz 8 months ago

finally got around to un-javascripting the funny burger menu on mobile. unfortunately it also breaks the button animations on mobile - something abt freezeframe.js, I want to tackle the issue at some point over the weekend cause this also affects the about page :(

fatgrrlz 8 months ago

additional plans: make the burger menu icon actually change when clicked, rip some additional sprites for the style savvy shrine, put together a cute gothic theme for the site maybe?

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pinkvampyr 8 months ago

not sure EXACTLY what the issue is, but in my experiment freezeframe js doesn't play nice with the details element, if that's what you're using to make the burger menu

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pinkvampyr 8 months ago

experience *

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fatgrrlz 8 months ago

@pinkvampyr naw I used a label/input for the burger, and wrapped the entire sidebar sans header under a div. it does that infinite loading bug on the my website's button 1/2

fatgrrlz 8 months ago

I think I may move the freezeframe.js buttons above the div so that it's excluded from the sidebar burger-ing on mobile - won't fix the infinite loading issue (tho I have found refreshing the page DOES fix it but I wanna find a permanent fix...). it'll make it easier to use to boot - I've realized how annoying it is going from page to page and having to open the menu every time to turn GIF animations on


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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 8, 2023
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kawaii graphics art lgbt plussize