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/Fidomanin/ was updated.
1 year ago
/Fidomanin/ was updated.
1 year ago
/Fidomanin/ was updated.
1 year ago
fi-do-manin 1 year ago

Fuck, another one of those entries...

teethinvitro 1 year ago

I'm sorry that you feel that way. Congratulations on graduating. This is a big step in your life. I understand your worry about becoming like your father, and regarding your anger issues, but you seem like a great and interesting person. You're very aware of yourself and that's a good thing. Also, you're not at fault with what happened with that boy. Situations like that suck.

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teethinvitro 1 year ago

Lastly, although easier said than done, you'd be happier with another girl and you know it. I hope you find someone with whom you can experience new and exciting things. God that sounds corny but I mean it.

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forfunandforlove 1 year ago

Sorry about what happened with that boy. It's difficult not to feel guilty, I know I would if I was in a similar situation, but remember you can't control how people interpret the things you say. You can only approach people with a good heart and then it's up to them to make something out of it.

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fi-do-manin 1 year ago

@teethinvitro Really grateful for the advice and the compliments man, about being self-aware of myself I'd say it's one of my only benefits I have...About the boy, I still feel guilty but I know it's going to slowly stop worrying that much, the girl is something I must rethink a lot and my initial thought is to explain to her my (lack of) strong feelings for her but at the same time explaining that she's great. hugs

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fi-do-manin 1 year ago

@forfunandforlove It's really hard to talk to him nowadays and I think a lot about what I could do differently in that moment but wrapping my head around was kind of useless because of what you've said, I can't control their interpretations, anyways thank you a lot for the comment Lazarus, stay good

/Fidomanin/ was updated.
1 year ago
saint-images 1 year ago

Great job! Best of luck

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submarine 1 year ago

boa sorte com a faculdade e entrevista!!

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fi-do-manin 1 year ago

@saint-images Thank you so much man, that's exactly what I need!

fi-do-manin 1 year ago

@submarine Obrigado Mari, espero ter essa sorte mesmo, vou precisar muito dela, abraços

/Fidomanin/ was updated.
1 year ago
fi-do-manin 1 year ago

I feel happy, thanks

getcubed 1 year ago

good luck on the exam!

fi-do-manin 1 year ago

@getcubed Thanks for sending me luck, I was pretty good on it

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/Fidomanin/ was updated.
1 year ago
/Fidomanin/ was updated.
1 year ago
/Fidomanin/ was updated.
1 year ago
/Fidomanin/ was updated.
1 year ago
vinizinho 1 year ago

ler a página sobre a sua infancia me fez lacrimejar!!! me lembrou de muitos momentos bons da minha própria infância também, e de uma ideia frustrada que eu tinha (nunca levada pra frente) de também registrar algumas dessas memórias de alguma forma. tempos tão nostálgicos e otimistas

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vinizinho 1 year ago

também queria dizer que claro que não sei em detalhes como é a sua vida, mas meus tempos no ensino médio/fundamental foram uma bosta, me sentia deslocado, impotente e perdido (e frustrado no que tange a relacionamentos). tudo mudou na universidade -- foram sem dúvida os melhores anos da minha vida, é realmente um outro mundo. a experiência varia, claro, mas eu diria só que existem motivos pra ser otimista!!

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vinizinho 1 year ago

eu fiz faculdade de CS no caso (a mesma que vc comentou). e também vale dizer que nem todo emprego em computação tem essa vibe de selva corporativa que vc comentou, pode ficar tranquilo; tem lugares que são muito calmos e pagam bem, é só questão de ficar atento e saber procurar. como dizemos no rio, vai dar bom!!

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fi-do-manin 1 year ago

Muito obrigado Vini, me sinto muito feliz por ter emocionado alguém com um dos meus textos, já sobre o futuro, não é que estou tão pessimista como no texto, é mais um "olhar para frente e ver no que dá", acredito que com o passar do tempo vou parar com esse pessimismo e a própria adolescência é um período marcado por sentimentos negativos por causa da indecisão. Outra vez agradeço muito por me falar, que se cumpra!

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/Fidomanin/ was updated.
1 year ago

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