It's a Fool's Paradise, Anyhow!

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foolsparadise 1 year ago

the only episode i have left is the very last one....ill miss the voy not ready to say bye yet!!!

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foolsparadise 1 year ago

but hopefully now that voy is soon out of the way i can get off my ass and work more on my site, lol

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hihi umm i recently got the email from benny about the transring moving and i replied that i put the new code on my site but the ring still isnt visible on it. i wasnt sure if this was on purpose or if something went wrong so i thought id ask you!
troy-sucks 1 year ago

hmmmm ok so since i dont technically have access to the code (i might on transring but i havent checked), im not sure how to fix this predicament since benny did all of the coding stuff... if i do find an answer for you ill lyk!

transring 1 year ago

youre missing two >s in the code :0 it was a mistake i made when sending out emails i didnt catch until afterwards, there should be a > after the js links. sorry about that hehe

foolsparadise 1 year ago

ty!!! will add that!

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someone please help me figure out how to get a lastfm api in order to use the now playing widget :pray: i needit so bad but i cant figure it out
having a hard time getting inspiration for a new layout >_< auugh
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yay they brought back new follower notifications!
foolsparadise 1 year ago

and its much better streamlined how delightful!

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bluef00t 1 year ago

was it gone entirely?

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foolsparadise 1 year ago

@bluef00t yes it was for like a week, you could only figure out if you had new followers by checking for new names in your following list

foolsparadise 1 year ago

season 7! im so sad its almost over :((

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just now finding out they removed the new follower notifications. this is incredibly discouraging and frustrating! when i see the number go up i will skim through my following to find new names and follow you back but im not sure how long ill be able to do it LOL. if you followed me or left a msg on my guestbook feel free to just comment here
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foolsparadise 1 year ago

i love seeing peoples sites and seeing the people who see my site!!! i want this feature back NOWWW!!!

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almost 100 followers woaghfh

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedOct 14, 2019
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