the pizzeria has moved!

692 updates
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icecreampizzer 10 months ago

major updates are now live! some of the main site section pages havent been converted though, but gotta be honest I think I need a break from this LMAO i've been working on these for a few days straight while i wait for my hand to recover SKDJFH anyways! hopefully the blogs section and the art/story/oc triad will be able to see the light of day soon..

once again Back here Hello everyone >:) im deciding to ONCE AGAIN. revamp my main site's layout for a lot of reasons! doing a lot of tinkering behind the scenes, but hopefully I can get something that I'll be satisfied with. some major reorganizing is also occuring that I'll also make public soon enough!
kind of last minute but im bumping my artfight here hehe >:] im ~icecreampizzer over there, team vampires! the site is already so slow though pffb
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icecreampizzer 1 year ago

added some fancy lil flourishes to the existing pages of loatm, and filled up aidan's page! TBH the about section is a little bit outdated...I'll work on that later

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icecreampizzer 1 year ago

loatm character page test??? wrow???

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icecreampizzer 1 year ago

completely revamped the LOATM pages!! and I'm continuing my journey of cleaning up my existing pages' HTML syntax.

icecreampizzer 1 year ago

finally had some time and wifi to update some of these! it's just me gushing over portal though lmao

stormeko 1 year ago

Portal is so good! I remember one of the later puzzles had me stuck for at least an hour because I didn't see the white space right away XD

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Ayoo, someone jumped down the portal wormhole- they’ve been my favorite games for the past years :’]

hiya! it's definitely been a while HDJSK just some updates: currently in my first week of uni life, it's a big ol' change from the online classes so I had to focus more on that over this...I have a blog post planned but the internet here is a lot less ideal than I hoped! But yeah I'm hoping to update the blog soon...will take a break with building this site, and you might only see me pop in once in a while.

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedMar 4, 2022
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art stories ocs oc creative