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2 bigger updates for today: A new website manifesto + a now page. The updated manifesto was a long time coming, mostly since I wanted one with out the notes of elitisim in my initial one. It's been given it's own page as well. The now page is mostly a "quick updates of what i'm doing" thing. You can read more about the concept here:
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the greenhouse page will be a wip for a while, but for those who collect them, I made a webgarden page!
9:15 slushie now has a placeholder page & onsite thumbnail. though it's not seeing a digital release until Nov 25th (and likely won't be fully ported onsite for a bit, it'll go on my itch page beforehand since it's about time I start using that page more)
idk what happened on tumblr that's causing another wave of people to migrate here but hi tumblr refugees? I guess?
pizzacatdelights 7 months ago

@jade-everstone that's because one of the staff leaked an email that the company that currently owns tumblr is moving most of tumblrs' staff to other projects. Because of that, they're leaving behind a skeleton crew to keep the website running. Many said that whenever a skeleton crew appears, the website is going to die in the future as it means it take longer to do update and fix bugs.

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jade-everstone 7 months ago

@pizzacatdelights damn, Tumblr really can't catch a break huh?

pizzacatdelights 7 months ago

@jade-everstone yup and I moved to Tumblr from Reddit, 5 months ago. Like really!

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ninacti0n 7 months ago

Aw, for real? I was actually starting to like Tumblr :’/

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jade-everstone 7 months ago

@ninacti0n That's what I was thinking too 🥲I rejoined about a year ago & i feel like I only got to enjoy it for 4 months before the tumblr live & layout change stuff & now not knowing where the site will be

icecreampizzer 7 months ago

A little late to the party but i think the CEO eventually addressed this, the email was a few months old already and the downgrade isn't actually enough to shut the website down in just a few months. I think they're going to focus more on core developments. But it's also still important to find other places for stuff!

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minor update since this spin-off project is getting closer to completion: Previously titled 'mystery comic project' on the projects page has been updated with it's final title: 9:15 slushie!

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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