
2,009 updates
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That you for your patience! You've been added to the Jellyring! Please note that while you can now add the widget you have not been added to the Giant Jelly Pool or any of the other pages yet. That will be coming soon!
Jellyworld! was updated.
2 years ago
Hey Everyone! First things first! Love is in the air! We've got 18 original Valentine's Day Neogreeting for you to share with someone special!
jellyworld 2 years ago

Secondly- I'm working on getting stuff organized so I can add people to the ring- I know you've all been waiting patiently and I can't thank you enough. I have to fix a few bugs with the widget and acheivement system as well as address some issues with the current way the jellyring works. Hopefully I can get to that soon. Thank you so much for your support and happy Valentine's Day!!

skruffy64 2 years ago

The cards are awesome!

hollyblue 2 years ago

Yesssss!!! God I love neogreetings lol

1 like
Jellyworld! was updated.
2 years ago
letslearntogether 2 years ago

Aw, that Valentine's Day card is adorable.

Hey Everyone! Sorry It's taking so long to update the jelly stuff, the ring and the holiday event stuff. I've been just mentally drained. Hope you all understand. I'm going to try my damnedest to get it updated this week. <3
Hey casiopea! You've been added to the Giant Jelly Pool, the Jelly Ring Script and the Pals page!
1 like
Hey Antikrist! You've been added to the Giant Jelly Pool, the Jelly Ring Script and the Pals page!
1 like
antikrist 2 years ago

hi, i was wondering how you get the jelly ring script on my page without it messing up? it only shows half even when i removed yesterwebs script

1 like
Jellyworld! was updated.
2 years ago
I will be adding people to the jellyring today. I have quite the backlog! It is possible that the jelly you initially requested may have been chosen by somebody before you, in that case I'll reach out. Thank you again everyone for your patience!
Thank you everyone for your patience.I've been gone from my main computer for 2 weeks and have not had time to update jellies. I'm hoping to get it done soon. Happy New Year!

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJul 17, 2021
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jelly neopets pets virtualpets nostalgia