Leilukin's Hub

2,724 updates
0 tips
Made a new blog post about improving my website's performance:
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Finally finished editing all HTML files of my site here on Neocities, so anyone who has JavaScript disabled will also get redirected to my site's new domain on Netlify if they visit any page from
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Remade the navigation hamburger menu of my site for mobile based on kalechips's accessible hamburger menu code snippet.
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Made improvements to my site's "Back to top" button and link:
Converted most images on my site to AVIF format to reduce file size and save bandwidth, as well as improving the widget on my home page:
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Thanks for the follow! I like your art style. 😀
Loving how clean and readable your site is! It looks great
whiona 5 days ago

Oh!! You're also a Cassette Beasts fan! I am playing through it right now and loving it.

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leilukin 5 days ago

Thank you! Readability is one of my primary goals of designing my website. Glad to hear you're loving Cassette Beasts! It's great to meet another webmaster who enjoys Cassette Beasts! I already considered making a Cassette Beasts shrine even before beating the game.

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whiona 4 days ago

I understand why! I'm 15 hrs in and already telling my friends they've gotta play it. The monster designs are delightful and the music has been in my head nonstop.

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Added a colophon page to my website for information about how my site is built:
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I have updated my website's button by recreating it with Adobe Photoshop CS5. If you have used my button to link to my site, you may want to replace it with my new button:
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Made some file convertion and optimisation to improve my website performance. See my site's 6 June 2024 changelog:

Website Stats

Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMay 28, 2022
Site Traffic Stats


videogames personal queer accessibility