Let's Find Pokemon! FOUND

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Just finished updating the page format for Gold and Silver, Crystal, and Platinum! - Prof Abel
HI ALL! Haven't been active here in a while (non-pokemon based work has been BRUTAL). I have just finished adding ShiningForceLibrary's translations to the Find Pokemon! Sun&Moon's page! That means just one book and the entire series will be archived and translated :D WOOHOO! - Prof. Abel
letsfindpokemon-found 2 days ago

I'm working on making all the book pages the same format next! I need to get back into the web dev mindset before i start on bigger tasks like redoing the catolog page and continueing my map project hehe :) - Prof Abel

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fact about me is that i think pokepark wii (the first one) is the pokemon game that i need ported to switch the most. I have a steamdeck where i do most of my emulation but i have never been able to get the motion controls set up correctly to be able to get past certain mini games so im kinda stuck :/ Ive even thought about making a fan game of it to practice video game design but bleh. too busy :( - prof abel
Stopping in to say happy birthday :D I hope its a fun one - Prof. Abel
a couple of small edits and additions today, mostly centralized in the extras section! Realizing that not much has been going in "links" in the header nav so i will likely be repurposing or removing that button soon. Maybe thats where the regional map project will live? ;) only time will tell!! hehe - prof. abel
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offline i am working on cultivating a strange sort of pokemon- betta fish. its my first tank and its very exciting! BTW my job has me on my computer TOO MUCH recently so I havent been wanting to spend too much more time with webdev. I should be back on here more next month :) - Prof. Abel
BREAKING NEWS! The Prof Abel's Picks page is now done enough to share hehe. Check it out under extras! - Prof. Abel

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJan 19, 2024
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pokemon media archive catalog collection