
4,449 updates
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I like your birbs page! My favourite bird is the white-breasted nuthatch.
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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

"I plan to update it semi-regularly (weekly-ish)" - Bird Scholar Holeinmyconsistency. GIMME 10 mins

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lhfm 3 years ago

Woah, nice! I love the cute little peeping sounds these nuthatches make as they walk along the tree

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Hey I just wanted to let everyone know that the sublime, CSS, javascript, html5, virus, zune, blend s, new game, ram, vocaloid now, and free tech tips 88x31 buttons on my site were made by me. Everyone is free to use them of course. I've already seen two websites here using some of them. Makes me happy that people liked them enough to put it on their site. 😁
lhfm 3 years ago

Update: I also made an iso 8601 and a caramelldansen button

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lhfm 3 years ago

I showed my site to some people who aren't familiar with neocities, and they didn't understand that 88x31 buttons can be clicked on. Added lanaguage that impies that they can be clicked.

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Over 9000 views! 😁
surenaga 3 years ago

Congrats, man!

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

1000 more and you hsve to post pics of you cosplaying as hifumi cosplaying as yourself

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lhfm 3 years ago

Heh, I'm not really into cosplaying things, but I might do a hifumi cosplay at some point in my life 🤔

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added your button to my site :]
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lhfm 3 years ago

Woah, thank you! 🥰

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lhfm 3 years ago

watched Kawai Complex cause someone recommended it to me. I love the outro song a lot

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surenaga 3 years ago

For the next 2/3 years I'll be focusing on finishing japanese. After that, maybe french, but I want to dabble in slavic languages as well. Interslav sounds very attractive if it allows one to understand slavic languages the same way learning latin and/or esperanto allow one to understand romance languages.

dfrag 3 years ago

lhfm, do you know how you want to learn these languages? Through Duolingo, or with something else?

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dfrag 3 years ago

Oh, nice. Thanks for the heads-up about those resources!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedSep 2, 2020
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anime vocaloid tech