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lolwut? was updated.
4 years ago
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Stallman did nothing wrong.
rbuchanan 4 years ago

Yes, he did: he resigned from two institutions he's enriched almost immeasurably in response to unequivocal calumny. If he'd fought these lying, leftist, celibate swine to the teeth by challenging them to adduce this nonexistent defense of Epstein to which they've mendaciously alluded, and charging in all verity that this is libel, he'd still be employed...

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

...and they wouldn't be tweeting fatuous, insufferably self-congratulatory posts in which they sophisticate his arguments as defamatory fabrications to compensate for their patent deficiencies.

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lolwut 4 years ago

Yes, you're right in that sense. I recently read a comment online that expressed frustration over most computer guys/nerds/geeks being too soft for their own good, which allows these sorts of screeching leftists to scare them, shun them, and slowly take over the field. The real loss falls on MIT and the FSF.

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

Another common error among nerds and fellow geeks is that too many of them are stuck in the '90s, and imagine that these are fellow social outcasts. They aren't.

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

Finally, Stallman should employ the more effective and gramatically elegant, "accusatory inflation" or "accusatory hyperbole" rather than the clunkily substantive, "accusation inflation," but now I'm just quibbling.

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lolwut? was updated.
4 years ago
lolwut? was updated.
4 years ago
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rbuchanan 4 years ago

My personal favorite is the recherche "racist-adjacent," second only to "mansplaining." Anyhow, you obviously need to check xouer privilege.

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lolwut 4 years ago

Hah, that is another very good one. Could I add it to the meme list, making sure to give you credit for introducing it to me?

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rbuchanan 4 years ago

Sure, but you needn't credit me for that codswallop's contrivance. Also, "Electric Pence" is omitted among your itemized nicknames for Vice Natzee Mike P.

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lolwut 4 years ago

Those nicknames were copied directly from Encyclopedia Dramatica's list. I think Mike "Electric Pence" Pence sounds a bit odd; did you instead mean Mike "Electric Fence" Pence?

rbuchanan 4 years ago

No, it's just Electric Pence.

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lolwut? was updated.
4 years ago
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geouniversal 4 years ago

tatamagouche brewing is a local beer here, you eat coast?

geouniversal 4 years ago

lol east coast

lolwut 4 years ago

Sorry, but I won't say. :^)

lolwut? was updated.
4 years ago
Pool's still closed
pixelprofile 4 years ago

Oh yeah, today's the anniversary of that. I'll see if I can join later.

Good site... Love it! You've been JAUPed! site... Love it! You've been JAUPed! site... Love it! You've been JAUPed! site... Love it! You've been JAUPed!
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encounters-ltd 5 years ago


billsworld 4 years ago

What is this shit, Kyle?!

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excellent content!
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lolwut 5 years ago

Thanks, friend

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CreatedAug 26, 2015
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