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finally got my 2020 sketchbook scan up !! it's janky i'll fix it later
mamacroon 4 months ago

I was 16-17 when I was using this sketchbook for context

O.D.A was updated.
4 months ago
vashti 4 months ago

I've been having a lot of thoughts about what it means to make art lately too. Maybe this is counterintuitive, but I'm trying to think less about it, both writing & drawing. I think that beginner's spirit you're seeking comes from a place that lacks introspection, lacks asking yourself why you're doing something, why it's this way. Another way to phrase it is the lack of expectations. You spoke about learning the

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vashti 4 months ago

rules of anatomy, but you're not bound by them, even if you think they are. It sounds like you're wanting to emulate your earlier art, but the only way to go back to how you once were is to do things unselfconsciously, to do your artwork for the sake of doing it. I've been thinking a lot about this lately & I write more than I draw, but when I feel dissatisfaction with what I've written, I just do it anyways & try

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vashti 4 months ago

to avoid over examining it. Rather than thinking about how I want the finished thing to be, the product, I just enjoy the process of it. What makes an artist an artist is the fact that they make art, not whether or not anyone thinks it's good, (yourself included.) It's funny you wrote this, because at the moment I feel as though I'm looking at this problem from the opposite side, seeking to improve my skills, to

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vashti 4 months ago

learn to draw with realism & whatnot. Anyways, best of luck to you :) The only way you can go is forward!

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mamacroon 4 months ago

@vashti Hi! I think you're right about my own expectations holding me back. It's something that I struggle with in general actually, I have a tendency to think about doing things way more than I actually do them. It’s a bad habit I’m trying to break and your straightforward response helps a lot so thank you! Also, I’m not sure if you’re mostly focusing on animals or humans as your subjects but if you want to study an

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mamacroon 4 months ago

@vashti anatomy I have a couple sites you can use if you want to do gesture drawings or figure studies just let me know!

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vashti 4 months ago

I feel the same way; 2024 will be our year of doing things ! I'd like to draw nude models, women in particular if that matters & animals, normally birds, hounds, or woodland ones like deer. I'd be happy to have any resources sent my way, as looking for reference images takes away from my drawing time

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vashti 4 months ago

Also your sketchbook page is so inspiring, because one of Vashti's new goals is to fill an entire sketchbook with practice & dedication >:-)

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O.D.A was updated.
4 months ago
O.D.A was updated.
5 months ago
your site is insanely cool, can't wait to see more of it!
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apprehension 5 months ago

Thank you so much, can't wait to update it! I really enjoy your site's aesthetic. Really looking forward to more of the "writings/diary" section, too!

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mamacroon 5 months ago

@apprehension Thank you!!! I hope to write a lot more this year

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O.D.A was updated.
5 months ago
just learned that poptropica is being discontinued this month. wtf
vashti 5 months ago

Like when they killed Club Penguin :(

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mamacroon 5 months ago

@vashti was just as devastated when I found out. Hoping and praying it gets revived by volunteers like club penguin did ...

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O.D.A was updated.
5 months ago
vashti 5 months ago

Can't wait until you make a dedicated sketchbook section. Seeing your sketches is a delight !!

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I watched The Boy & the Heron & agree wholeheartedly with everything that you wrote in your review of it. It felt so... flat to me. It was a good movie, but I don't know. I thought it lacked heart. I understand especially what you mean about Miyazaki ripping off his own work. [SPOILERS] When I saw those little white floaty things, the souls or whatever, they just seemed like knock off soot sprites to me, like some
vashti 5 months ago

cute little mascot, but without the charm. They were just there. The relationships were not fleshed out enough either. I got a better family drama in my Godzilla Minus One viewing. The world itself seemed halfbaked too. In Spirited Away for example, the bathhouse feels like an actual place, a fully realized place. The setting in this movie was just there, just a backdrop for the characters, but it wasn't really

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vashti 5 months ago

explored. I enjoyed the movie, it was a fun movie, but it was underwhelming honestly...

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mamacroon 5 months ago

@vashti omg I'm so glad you agree with me… I felt like I was going crazy because I thought I was one of the few that saw how lazy it was! You’re so right about the white souls’ design it felt way too similar to the soot sprites and the Kodama from Mononoke hime.

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mamacroon 5 months ago

@vashti I agree with you on the setting too, honestly the bit about the meteorite forming the tower to the alternate universe and the granduncle asking Mahito to takeover as keeper of the world could have been so interesting, I’m really mad that it seems like Miyazaki just …forgot about it.

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mamacroon 5 months ago

@vashti I’m also really upset that they just didn’t choose to make it a story about grief, like the opening sequence of Mahito running in the fire was really emotional, but they just completely dropped the ball. I'm sooo disappointed T__T

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vashti 5 months ago

Yes!! They seemed like they were going to write a story about grief but pivoted partway through & it was not satisfying. & the relationships in the movie felt unearned... Like between the stepmother & Mahito or between the heron man & Mahito. I don't even know where they came from. Suddenly everyone was just buddy buddy at the end of the movie. It's just so... ugh. I think if anyone NOT Studio Ghibli did this movie

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vashti 5 months ago

that it wouldn't be getting these rave reviews.

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mamacroon 5 months ago

@vashti literally so true. Hopefully this doesn't set a precedent for his future movie(s)....

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O.D.A was updated.
5 months ago
vashti 5 months ago

Can't read your entry as I am seeing The Boy & the Heron on Tuesday, but I'm happy that you got to see it :-)

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mamacroon 5 months ago

@Vashti omg I hope you have fun and please let me know what you think about it!

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