775 updates
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Sorry for the lack of updates, I got caught between studies and other proyects. Kamase's page is pretty much done, but there's something regarding the javascript that I want to fix. I'll try to dedicate myself to continuing the other pages too.
mburucuya 1 year ago

Changed the name of this website for something more accurate to my username. Worry not about the mangroves, they'll return later on. I think.

mburucuya 1 year ago

Update Log: Fixing mainly the MTP layout to be more responsive on smaller screens.

mburucuya 1 year ago

Update LOG: I've been understanding better how and work, so I'll be editing heavily the HTML tags. I use a lot of bold and italic format, but as to get them away from their tag importance (Since most bolded text isn't that important minus exceptions), I've resorted to creating classes for different span elements. I'm going to put them all in a separate CSS file, so its rules become universal.

mburucuya 1 year ago

Note: I'm talking about the strong and em HTML tags respectively. Didn't knew they were hidden in comments...

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedDec 8, 2022
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