-MEOWCO Landing-

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It looks like I've lost a few followers... I hope they're doing alright.
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I finally got to do some more work on the main page. I still have a little more work to do before it's finally rebuilt.
I tried updating the site. But there were a few people who got in my way. I'll try and add more to the site once I finally have the time to do it.
I'm a little busy with some important stuff for school right now. But come this Saturday, I'll be making some BIG changes to the site.
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chronicles 2 years ago

Tell me about it.

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After a certain event that happened to me yesterday, it saddens me to say that I'm removing the Gatchawatch and Cat's Eye! pages from the site. I just can't afford for some random person on the internet to use some of my original materials. (Which are STILL being worked on.)
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Website Stats

Last updated 53 minutes ago
CreatedJan 25, 2021
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