Mike Grindle's Webpage

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nohappynonsense 5 days ago

hope you're doing well, and bring on the experiments

sorbier 5 days ago

looking forward to your new creative direction!!! well put about that distinct feeling during a transition

mikegrindle 4 days ago

cheers guys. I feel like I've set unrealistic expectations by using the word "experimental."

colexdev 1 day ago

Love all of your stuff and excited to see everything new that you decide to do!

I cooked up a new post. Enjoy:
Thought I'd let you know that it looks like your menu links are broken from within your blog posts. I think the issue is that everything is prefixed with '/posts/'. For example, on your 'Do We Truly Know Ourselves?' post, the [links] hyperlink that usually goes to is set as (leading to a 404). Hope that makes sense and helps!
colexdev 1 week ago

I didn't notice that mistake. Thank you so much for sharing. I will fix that up sometime soon. <3

mikegrindle 1 week ago

No worries. Enjoying reading your thoughts and the photos by the way.

colexdev 1 week ago

I appreciate that. It means a lot.

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> Regarding alternative search engines: consider mojeek. There are only a few unique search indexes. Of the obscure ones, Mojeek is relatively mature. I have an easier time finding obscure and interesting links on Mojeek than on any other search engine I've tried. Not good for finding a simple answer quickly, but good for finding links.
mikegrindle 1 week ago

Thanks, I'll give that one a try and might add it to the post

colexdev 1 week ago

What makes you like Mojeek over DuckDuckGo?

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kaa 1 week ago

colexdev: DuckDuckGo is good at finding a quick, simple answer. It's mostly Bing. Mojeek is a janky, small project that's been ongoing for several years. It's a genuinely unique search index. It's bad at giving simple answers, and good at sharing obscure ones.

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colexdev 2 weeks ago

Couldn't agree more. I found the vast majority of the small sites I visit frequency through other small sites. I started with just a few and now have dozens that I love. Blogrolls and link pages are the best.

getoffmylawn 2 weeks ago

I agree, the linux community can be nice and we don't need to make Windows users feel bad.

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nohappynonsense 3 weeks ago

what dithering tool are you using?

mikegrindle 3 weeks ago

I used gimp (silly name, I know):

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portfoliusmaximus 3 weeks ago

Hi Mike, just read your essay on LSD and I must say that it's bang-on with many of my own thoughts on videogames, art and the intersection between them. LSD definitely isn't my kind of game (and the PS1/Saturn/N64/Dreamcast generation is one I've barely explored), but I'm a huge fan of Ozamu Sato's visual style and thus am always fascinated by people finding out about his PS1 experiment!

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mikegrindle 3 weeks ago

Glad you found it interesting. Must admit that I'm only somewhat familiar with his other work. Perhaps I should spend some time looking into that.

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portfoliusmaximus 3 weeks ago

Most of his stuff is, to my knowledge, either obscenely rare or downright lost media, which admittedly adds to their general weirdness and mistique. I recommend his duology of interactive CD-ROMs for MacOS machines, and the recently unearthed COMPU MOVIE (on YouTube).

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murid 3 weeks ago

The LSD essay is really good. I'm completely unfamiliar with the game, but the description drew me in.

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mikegrindle 3 weeks ago

Thank you, Murid. The game was an interesting experience and fun to write about too.

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CreatedNov 3, 2022
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