welcome to mikufan3939's miku hell

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me and my family are seeing if i can get an actual desktop computer. my laptop will soon have to retire. sad music emits in the background (and i'll also have to fix my entire layout if it's messed up that badly from when i switched screen dimensions lol)
the vocal synth blog is FINALLY back up. it's 5am i need to sleep so bad
mikufan3939 10 months ago

also listen to the playlist on the page pretty much all of them are from small musicians. i will link a youtube playlist of all the songs in the morning so you can listen over there and save the searching trouble lol

if i had a nickel for every time my laptop refused to turn on out of literal nowhere i'd have 2 nickels, which isn't much but how the fuck did it happen twice
mikufan3939 10 months ago

taking this one to repair tomorrow because i needed to fix my laptop speed anyway

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joined the charm bracelets pixel club and designed a new clique page last minute. definitely going to add more pixels and decals later since it's so barren lol
i must stop collecting buttons
mikufan3939 10 months ago

there's definitely buttons i'm going to forget adding too. average meeks when pretty graphics exist

mikufan3939 10 months ago

once again please message me if i didn't add your button or a link if possible i love seeing sites and showing them to other people

nulltown 10 months ago

we are blessed

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YOU BOYS are the homosexual supporting cast
glad to see 100 people that also enjoy miku :)
added a flag counter to my site to show how many people around the world know miku. will probably move this somewhere else one day. feel free to look :) (ps: there's a cool video when you click the link)
lhfm 10 months ago

Just fyi, some adblockers block that counter, so you won't see everyone who visits (I turned mine off to see it though lol)

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mikufan3939 10 months ago

it's fine lol i don't mind people who have adblocker on because it's understandable. i don't feel too urgent about counting Everyone because miku is so big anyway but it's still nice to look at

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nulltown 10 months ago

I disabled my adblock to add my flag in! (。・∀・)ノ゙ muahaha

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mikufan3939 10 months ago

hehehehe (*^▽^*)

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedNov 14, 2022
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vocaloid vocalsynths miku personal