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ok no more disk horse on moonview. i came back to neo in the first place to get away from TTT weirdos i'm not going to let them drag me back
ollys-site 1 year ago

what does TTT stand for

moonview 1 year ago

"tiktok, twitter and tumblr" it's easier than typing it all out & all of those sites just happen to start with "T" lol

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infamousblackcoat 1 year ago

i thought you meant trouble in terrorist town and i was like "fuck kinda severs you joining"

theacidictoxic 1 year ago

"I thought you meant trouble in a terrorist town" same difference

so sad to see DOKODEMO leave. i would kindly ask anyone who participated in the hate campaign against him to also leave my website alone. moonview is anti-harrassment and always will be. i'm not trying to make this about me, i just want it known that if you engaged in or supported the harrassment against him, moonview is not the website for you.
purinland 1 year ago

i think its sad too. even if they are a horrible person, i dont think there's more you can do then to block the individual. afterall this is a website hoster nothing more. although i understand why some users were mad and i dont blame any of them. tho ill miss dokodemo for the site it was, ive always loved that site and it will be missed

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purinland 1 year ago

i always just thought that on here harassment wasnt even really a thing, before rlly joining i just though users commented on eachothers site to hype eachother up and talk about similar interests, thats it..

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moonview 1 year ago

i'm going to be honest, i don't understand why they're upset at all. why any of them had to do what they did. neocities has a block option, its way easier to use the tools available to you as opposed to harrassing a mentally ill person of color off the platform for what amounted to little more than a joke and a reclaimed slur.

joyfulthought 1 year ago

that whole thing definitely disturbed a lot of people but they didnt wanna say anything because of the harassment train ~_~ its messed up and neocities really isn’t the place for it… Im glad its over though i hope something like that wont happen again …

dokodemo 1 year ago

thank you

i just wrote like 200+ something odd words about a cat book series i've been obsessed with since i was in elementary school. the world is healing.
hellokittyminigun 1 year ago

yay warrior cats!!

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i promise next year i'll set up my gallery to be chronological and not reverse chronological specifically because it annoys me X__X
moonview 1 year ago

i don't want to change it right now because i'm lazy and i don't remember exactly when all this art was made so i'll do it next year LOL

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can't wait to see how your site develops! ^^
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CreatedJan 30, 2016
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90s personal anime blogging 2000s