My Blank Slate

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your artworks in the gallery sometimes remind me of the style of tintin (besides the works that are actually tintin)! "Cold Breeze" in particular, though I'm not sure why. Hope you have a good day!
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pleurodelinae 2 years ago

Ooh, interesting !! For a while I was super obsessed with franco-belge comics (I still am, I've just cooled down a bit) so some visual influence for sure have bled in there! :-) you have a good day too!

pleurodelinae 2 years ago

Now that i think of it the influence is probably more obvious in my older work. I'll get more up eventually 😅

(continuting ohs chat) i honestly dont rememeber how i found it, i think i started reading it somewhere around 2015? maybe even earlier, i just know it wasnt even finished yet. might have been a tumblr post recommendation ?
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i dont think i can reply directly to your reply, but i liked o human star! i have a hard time reading graphic novels/story based comics but this one was natural for me to follow along :3
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myblankslate 2 years ago

Yeah, I get that too! I don't usually enjoy graphic novels that much but this one hooked me in :)

myblankslate 2 years ago

I'm curious, how did you find it? I didn't know it existed until I joined the same mastodon instance as the author

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thank you so much for your comment on my blog post!! I was not expecting anyone to read it, let alone leave such a kind comment. thank you again!! :)
hai! ive also read o human star!! and i love ur "health" link jhdfgsdhfg
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myblankslate 2 years ago

Aw heck yeah! I'm glad you liked it :3 Sometimes the amount of supplements my friends buy is unnerving.

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myblankslate 2 years ago

What did you think of O Human Star?

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CreatedJul 15, 2021
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