★ Nickolox's Web Corner ★

1,528 updates
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The pikring header and widgets are soooooo good omg. You did such a great job designing everything about it. It's so incredible!
nickolox 9 months ago

thank you !!! <3

Hi Candypop !! ^.^ I started a Pikmin webring today, I thought it'd be cool to let you know since you run a pikmin fansite and all, didja want to join it ?
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candypop-garden 9 months ago

OMG Yes ofc!! I was literally looking for nintendo themed webrings earlier this week to join, I am very thrilled to have the opportunity to join this one. I'll send the email now, I'm going out shortly so may not add the widget immediately but it should be up soon! Thank you!

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thinkin over what's left of the planned pages to add to my site... I think all that's left now is a page for all my modding works, and one last shrine... very nice :D
nickolox 9 months ago

I have no idea how to format the mods page though, tbh... so I dunno, it might take me a little while to figure something out there... -.-;

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the satisfaction of finishing a new page... hell yes... :DDDD
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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMay 3, 2023
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