Osky's Website

1,422 updates
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Created a page on nekoweb. Not trying to switch over or something. I was just curious. I'mma see if I can do something tiny there and experiment.
hi. been a bit. working on jmc more lately. i wanted to mention i that i like "html comment box" for a guest book. not too customizable but i was able to tinker enough to tweak some things to make it match my page. no ads except a self promo for itself which is just a line of text. in fact if i wanted to i might be able to just kind of hide it
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oskycmk 3 weeks ago

but ya know. that might be rude. (i hit enter by mistake) but its free and it got paid options for more functions. very basic tho which i like

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just noticed that federiefederi is gone. sad. kinda figured that was gonna happen.
malice-in-wonderland 1 month ago

nooo D: i hope theres some good archives of it i loved looking through those sites

malice-in-wonderland 1 month ago

huh, all this drama flew right under my radar. it sucks that f+f ended up shutting down bc of this :/

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I started on Neocities with my fansite JMC in Aug 2023. I have another account I barely touched before that (that has double the views despite zero content lmao?). But I started seriously working on my sites here in Dec 2023 roughly. Point being is that I'm new here, but I know drama when I see it. I'mma write a blog on my page giving my thoughts and perspective on the drama and Neocities as a whole.
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oskycmk 1 month ago

made a blogpost. but like the "you updated your site" thing is not showing because i made the page for it but i had at the time just copy-pasted another blog post to use the layout. i didn't want that showing up while i wrote so i deleted the post. but i think it means any updates today won't show. i guess? idk. neocities be wonky.

oskycmk 1 month ago

also trying to make a button to hide the sidebar bc blogposts can be wordy. (im thinking outright removing sidebars on all pages except main but thats another topic). i made the button but positioning it is a butt

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJan 3, 2024
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personal blog gaming music futuristic