Windows 7 Pen


what's that... a mime?
how strange....

_________CLICK HERE!!!!_______ >>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<

hello! welcome to whatever the hell this is! i am still learning how to work with this, so hang on, i promise it will look better than how it does now soon!

update stuff

____________long long line______________________

i have finally established game page.
this page will work as both place for me to rant about games, but also place for you to just play some games that i find in this eternal dump that is the internet. i will also try to show off my own personal projects i am working on with my friends, but i will most likely make page for itself in the future.

__________________update: 10/27/20?3__________
scroll box finally added. i can finally shove those dumb paragraphs into some nice box.

______________update: 5/3/20?4________________ today i finally decide to get rid of that sidebar that's been bugging me for a while now. i'm probably going to change this website a lot if i find some time and motivation. i have a few ideas and i'd love to make them a reality. so..yay!! i'm doing my thing again!
_____________update: 5/5/20?4_________________
added something like a guestbook. however, you can use it to instantly message me if you want to! i just felt like adding something that would be a bit more interactive for people that may come by. so yeah, i'm glad i did it! i also changed the bckground of the main page, so this place feels at least a tiny bit more mine.
