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I have to agree with you on Gatsby. Not one of my favourite books. It took me several times to get into it, and I only managed it eventually because it was mandated as a senior text and I had to teach it. Didn't really like Tender is the Night, either. Interested to see where you take this website!
Hello there! Nice website you have here. Might I ask from what part of New Jersey you are from? I was born in the Newark area. Hope to hear from you soon. Keep up the good work!
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nohappynonsense 2 years ago

Hello Page, I'm from the Morris County area. Looking forward to see what your site becomes, thank you for the kind comments

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Very helpful website with some good content. I will likely start some educational pages myself, but more so course specific ones for required college course here in the United States (if college is elected to be taken in the United States, the Government and Collegeboard force you to take a set of courses regardless of relevance).
letslearntogether 2 years ago

Thank you. I'm glad it is helpful! 😄 Looking forward to your educational pages.

Nice developments so far! I really like your layout as it reminds me of an old Blogspot website I used to frequent years ago (the name escapes me). Might I ask what you like to read? For me, it is mainly classics. Keep up the good work!
cruise-chaser 2 years ago

Thank you so much! Lately I've mostly been reading manga (been really looking for LGBTQ+ manga) but I love me some classics and some paranormal romance.

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Thanks so much for the follow! Enjoying your art, manga and anime sections! Keep on developing! :)
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pagespages 2 years ago

Thank you!

Nice website covering a manga that is popular in Japan but little-known elsewhere. Do you know how easy it is to acquire the manga? I know it has been out of print for almost 15 years, but I still know store which gets ADV publications from time to time. A couple of weeks ago I picked up Noodle Fighter Miki.
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yotsubato 1 year ago

oops sorry I havent checked neocities in a while D:!!!!! but what I know is yotsuba& is still being updated so newer volumes might be easier to come by. it all depends on location but for me amazon and a local bookstore sells the volumes! you can check proxy sites (like fromjapan or zenmarket) but I cannot guarantee the prices wont be marked up.

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pagespages 1 year ago

Alright, sounds good. Thank you.

Nice website you have put together. I am excited to see some of your upcoming reviews. What is your favorite manga? Mine is King of Thorn by Yuji Iwahara. It is a suspenseful, action-packed thriller in the horror-survival genre.
Page's Pages was updated.
2 years ago
Nice website! Seeing your Anilist profile, you might like the series Kishin Douji Zenki. It is much like Dragon Ball and Rumiko Takahashi works in characters and related dynamics. However, it is episodic in episodes 1-12, with little impact on the characters and episode 13 is a clip show, but stick with it, I am halfway through the series and it has been a wild ride!
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linkyblog 2 years ago

Thank uou so much!! I really love your website as well! It's so nice! :D And I looked up that anime and it looks so cool and sounds like my jam! I'll definetly put it in my queue(neocities has the reply button here so hopefully this goes through! reply functions have been super buggy for me)

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pagespages 2 years ago

You are welcome, let me know about the kinds of shows you are looking for. I can usually hunt down what it is to see if there are subtitles or dubbed options available. Things can change day-to-day, so I will be on the look out!

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Fixed the mistaken number of Fruits Basket volumes--I think that was a typo lol, I do have 1-23!
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CreatedMar 23, 2022
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books manga art literature anime