Don't go in the coffin just yet!

4,545 updates
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hee hee! Big update with my main page and I'm super proud of it :^) ! I forgot to write an update journal but I'll do that laterrr cuz I am tiredd lol, there's still more I want to add and fix and build--but baby steps, cuz the home page was a LOT EDIT: the site is ATROCIOUS on phones, and is best viewed on a computer :3
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orloktopia 1 year ago

looks AMAZING, im proud of you. also thanks for shoving my button on there, let me know if you ever make one and i'll do the same B)

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phantasmablahh 1 year ago

Eyyy thanks thanks ! I'm super proud of how the site is turning out :) I do wanna make a button, I just haven't gotten around to it yet D: I hope to make one soon, though!

I saw your site and it's super cool! Happy b-day btw :^)
happysmile 1 year ago

Thank you!

happysmile 1 year ago

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJan 20, 2023
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personal art