
885 updates
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apparently some vtuber pulled up my site on their stream and said they liked it so. that's pretty cool!
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gonna just make an about page and put all my contact info and such there
WOWWW your site is awesome!!!!
pinkvampyr 10 months ago

aw thank you so much! your site is super cool and unique too!

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add you to my button wall hon
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Pinkvampyr was updated.
10 months ago
there needs to be a webring for people of color cause no offense but there's so many white people on here
I really hope people will want to join accessnet when it goes up....I'm worried a lot of people will find the rules too strict and not want to change their sites, and if not enough people join then it'll defeat the point right? but the guidelines are literally about accessibility so they have to be the way they are. augh. I know I'm overthinking and I was being ambitious for my first project but ..hhh
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punkwasp 10 months ago

I don't know what accessnet specifically is but I would love to join any project about accessibility! If people find the rules too strict, that's on them, not you. I actually saw someone on Tumblr talking about how not enough websites are accessible just the other day and a lot of people agreeing too.

Pinkvampyr was updated.
10 months ago
i should make a section thats just the jacob geller video spotlight where i host a jacob geller video i think everyone should watch
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I have an xmpp through disroot and another separate account and I honestly don't know what I'm doing but hopefully one of the messages reached you πŸ‘
fri11s 10 months ago

the message from disroot reached me :D I've replied with a bunch of thingsss

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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedMar 13, 2022
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personal pink accessibility resources cute