PiPe - The Home of Pepyo!

2,362 updates
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Any of my friends/followers here have a I'm looking to make the most of my RSS feed reader and follow a couple people ~
pip-pepping 1 year ago

I should HOPEFULLY have a new RSS feed for site updates, yay ~

Another addition to the list of things I'd like to do, but probably won't: RSS feed for sitely updates
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pip-pepping 1 year ago

Our updates for today: more shitposts for the non-zero part of my viewers who likes that kind of art, updated the questions page, and added a few more sites I think people should see

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pip-pepping 1 year ago

New art (WITH an actual process video!)

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Happy Pi day, and happy 1 year anniversary to my website :D
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paintkiller 1 year ago

Like the process gifs!

pip-pepping 1 year ago

Thanks! Those have actually been there for a hot while, but I wish to get more of them on there! The issue is that half of the time, I don't even think of recording the arting process. Heck, even the process GIFs I have right now are just flip-throughs of my layer system, not an actual process recording ;-;

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 14, 2022
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