PiPe - The Home of Pepyo!

2,362 updates
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I think mentally I'm ready to showcase the rest of my artwork on my site, but I still need to think about how I wanna arrange the art page, or even what artworks I wanna show off wahaha
pip-pepping 1 year ago

Bria now has one (1) single artwork

For some reason I have an irrational fear of using more than 1% of my site storage -- this only gets more irrational when you realize 1% of 1 gigabyte leaves behind around 990 megabytes, which is a lot to go around if you take proper steps (mainly making sure images are as small as possible, in my case)
To any members of the Retronaut webring who happens to follow me: Is it just me, or is the webring currently malfunctioning? I tried to take a look at some of my webring neighbors, but it shows an error when I click on either link. Viewing a random site on the webring's website, and trying to view sites via another member's widget doesn't seem to work either...
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josef 1 year ago

No luck either.

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thinkin about making a webgarden pot, but i dont know how i wanna style it 🤔
pip-pepping 1 year ago

Article's not finished yet, but lytebox image pop ups make me feel so official, heehee

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMar 14, 2022
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art digitalart personal ocs writing